2025 Clearing Solutions Booking Page Booking FAQs can be found here (1.05 MB). Book your 2025 Clearing package today Please use the form below to submit your preferred Clearing package choices. You can submit multiple forms if required. We'll let you know if you are successful with your choice within 2 weeks of booking. (Please note that all prices shown do not include VAT or agency discount) If you have any queries about our Clearing packages or how to make your selection(s), please contact your Customer Success Director / Customer Manager or email clearingmedia@ucas.ac.uk. Your details First name * Last name * Job title * Work email address * Organisation type * HE Provider Agency Organisation name * Which HE provider are you submitting this request for? * PO number If you do not use purchase orders please enter 'Not Required' in this field. Your Clearing package choices Which types of package are you interested in? * Please select all that apply. You will then be able to submit specific option choices further below. Complete Clearing packages Specialist audience packages Subject specific packages Please select all that apply. You will then be able to submit specific option choices further below. What level of the Complete Clearing Package do you want? * Select the package(s) first, then you will then be able to select from the relevant option choices. Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Complete Clearing package: Platinum (98k) Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media: Platinum * Paid media: Platinum * Please select up to three channels Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Please select up to three channels Flex choice: Platinum * Please select only one Clearing Plus enhanced (with bespoke emails) Extra email records (non-ARD) – 6,575 records Extra paid media spend​ Sponsored content link display ad​ Pre-recorded sponsored social video​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk  Complete Clearing package: Gold (64k)Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media: Gold * Paid media: Gold * Please select up to three channels Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Please select up to three channels Flex choice: Gold * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with bespoke emails) Extra email records (non-ARD) – 6,575 records Extra paid media spend​ Sponsored content link display ad​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk  Complete Clearing package: Silver (40k)Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media: Silver * Paid media: Silver * Please select up to two channels Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Please select up to two channels Flex choice: Silver * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with templated emails) Extra email records (non-ARD) – 5,275 records Extra paid media spend​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk  Complete Clearing package: Bronze (15k)Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media: Bronze * Please select a channel Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Flex choice: Bronze * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with templated emails) Extra paid media spend​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk  Specialist audience package choices Which specialist audience package choices are you interested in? Please select all that apply. Audience focus SQA results day Please select all that apply.   Specialist: Audience focus (£66k)Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media * Paid media * Please select up to two channels Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Please select up to two channels Flex choice * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with bespoke emails) Extra email records (non-ARD) – 6,575 records Extra paid media spend​ Sponsored content link display ad​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk  Specialist: SQA (£13k)Please select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on Paid media * Please select a channel Meta Snapchat YouTube Flex choice * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with template emails) Extra paid media spend​ Please note your Paid Media creative should be sent to Paidmedia@UCAS.ac.uk Subject specific package choices Please select which package(s) you are interested in, then the level for each subject(s) and finally for the subject(s) chosen you'll need to confirm the options for paid media and flex choice for each. Which subject specific package choices are you interested in? Which subject specific package choices are you interested in? Tier 1 Tier 2   Tier 1 subject Clearing packageSelect the level of package you are interested in for each subject you want to target. Costs for 2025 are £22k for Premium Package and £13k for Standard Package. Law - None -Premium packageStandard package Accounting and finance NonePremium packageStandard package Psychology - None -Premium packageStandard package Computer Science - None -Premium packageStandard package Medicine - None -Premium packageStandard package Business - None -Premium packageStandard package Engineering - None -Premium packageStandard package Biology - None -Premium packageStandard package Criminology - None -Premium packageStandard package Nursing - None -Premium packageStandard package Social Studies - None -Premium packageStandard package   Tier 2 subject Clearing packageSelect the level of package you are interested in for each subject you want to target. Costs for 2025 are £16k for Premium Package and £7k for Standard Package. Agriculture NonePremium packageStandard package Architecture NonePremium packageStandard package Arts, Crafts and Design - None -Premium packageStandard package Chemistry - None -Premium packageStandard package Dance - None -Premium packageStandard package Drama - None -Premium packageStandard package English - None -Premium packageStandard package Teaching - None -Premium packageStandard package Veterinary Science - None -Premium packageStandard package History - None -Premium packageStandard package Languages - None -Premium packageStandard package Maths - None -Premium packageStandard package Media - None -Premium packageStandard package Music - None -Premium packageStandard package Physical Sciences - None -Premium packageStandard package Physics - None -Premium packageStandard package Sport and Exercise Science - None -Premium packageStandard package   Subject specific: PremiumPlease select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on - see below if purchasing more than one gold package. Paid media * Please select a channel Google Display Network Meta Snapchat TikTok YouTube Flex choice * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with template emails) Extra paid media spend If you are selecting more than one premium subject package and would like different channels/flex options for each package, please choose the most relevant options here, then add the details in the 'further information' box below.    Subject specific: StandardPlease select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on - see below if purchasing more than one silver package. Flex choice * Please select a choice Clearing Plus enhanced (with template emails) Extra paid media spend​ If you are selecting more than one standard subject package and would like different channels/flex options for each package, please choose the most relevant options below, then add the details in the 'further information' box below.   Subject specific: BronzePlease select all the platforms you wish to run your campaign on - see below if purchasing more than one bronze package. Package add-ons Would you like to purchase package add-ons? * Yes No Additonal emails Additonal emails Option 1: Post-Results Weekend Campaign (Sat-Mon): access up to 9,200 records Option 2: Post-Results Week 2 Campaign (Fri, Tues-Fri): with up to 3,300 records Additional Paid Media spend * Are you interested in additional paid media spend beyond the package limit? Yes No Clearing Plus Clearing Plus Bespoke emails Templated emails Upgrade (from templated to bespoke emails) Insights Consultancy Insights Consultancy Provider level Clearing insights report Further information and requests Please give us any further details of your request (if necessary) or submit any queries below: * Please include any specific ideas or preferences you may have about the targeting or setup of your package selections. Please enter "none" if there are no further queries Would you like a Clearing consultation call or meeting, to discuss your request or any queries you have in more detail? * Yes No Best telephone number for contact? * We will also follow up with an email to check requirements. Please ensure you have authority from your organisation to submit this order and check your selections carefully before submission, in conjunction with our terms and conditions. (Please note that all prices shown do not include VAT or agency discount) For details about how we use your personal information, please see our privacy policy. Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.