Institute of Cancer Research, University of London
Chester Beatty Laboratories, 237 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JB
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Our competitive science PhD programme is designed for the next generation of world-leading scientists who want a career in cancer research. These students benefit from an above average tax-free stipend and exceptional research facilities.
Additionally, clinicians can undertake a PhD or MD(Res) degree. These students form a vital link in our translational research, bringing knowledge of clinical practice into the laboratory and taking the knowledge of laboratory research back into the clinic and using it to help cancer patients.
The ICR also runs an MSc in Oncology for medically qualified candidates who intend to pursue a professional career in some aspect of clinical or medical oncology, either as a clinical academic or a clinician. The course helps clinicians to develop their career by equipping them with a high-level understanding of the theory and practice of cancer science, of advanced cancer treatment, and the science of cancer research – all to the benefit of cancer patients.
Chester Beatty Laboratories, 237 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JB
Visit our website