Ian Tuveri-Ellis is a senior lecturer in Anglia Ruskin University's School of Nursing and Midwifery. Ian is an experienced nurse who has worked in many different areas including surgery, medicine, ear-nose-throat and maxillofacial nursing, trauma, orthopaedics, emergency and ambulatory care, intensive care, practice development, undergraduate and postgraduate education, research and audit, disability assessment, functional analysis, learning disability and mental health. He has worked previously as a Trauma Clinical Nurse Specialist, Clinical Standards Lead and Senior Charge Nurse in Intensive Care for many years. His main area of expertise and interest is in education and the care of the critically unwell adult. He currently remains working in critical care along with his role as senior lecturer within the department of health, medicine and social care. He also is a personal development tutor, the professionalism champion, an education champion, academic integrity lead and acting course leader within the faculty.