Dr Charlie Outhwaite is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research, part of the department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment at UCL. Charlie is currently working on the NERC funded GLiTRS project, which aims to bring together different forms of data on insect biodiversity change in order to determine the global state of insect communities. This project is a large collaboration via a NERC highlight topic grant led by Dr Nick Isaac at UKCEH. She was involved with the design and planning of this project, and is supported by it for a 3-year postdoc position. Charlie is interested in what drives insect biodiversity change and has been looking at the interactions between land use, use intensity and climate change and their impact on insect biodiversity. Projects and collaborations are still ongoing from her previous project, the BIOTA project, which explores the interactions and trade-offs between biodiversity, agriculture and trade. In this project Charlie has been looking at how characteristics of the surrounding landscape, including landscape composition and complexity, influence local biodiversity within cropland systems.