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Sports degree: coursemates

Cath thinks that the best thing about her course is the working relationship she has with her peers.

Duration: 00:0825 Mar 2020, 22:50

Vox-pop: keeping fit and healthy

Jose gives his top tips for staying healthy at university, including watching what you eat and getting

Duration: 00:2025 Mar 2020, 22:20

UCB: Sport

UCB's sport courses focus on coaching, sports therapy, fitness, massage and sports management.

Duration: 01:0325 Sept 2019, 07:20

Socialising with sports clubs

Ayesha, Lucy and Liam talk about the social benefits of joining a sports club and why they’d definitely

Duration: 00:253 Dec 2016, 18:05

Getting involved in sports clubs

Ryan talks about how being involved in sports clubs has improved his time at university and extended

Duration: 00:323 Dec 2016, 18:05

Vox-pop: best events

Wing tells us his highlights of university so far, including sports tours, Fresher’s Week and the best

Duration: 01:053 Dec 2016, 18:05

Vox-pop: sporting opportunities

Eleanor talks about the sports teams and clubs at university, and the importance of having a look around.

Duration: 00:2226 Jul 2016, 08:17