Household arguments

Adam talks about his pet hate in a student house and how this can be avoided.

Duration: 00:1625 Mar 2020, 22:40

Insights: revision

Ruby lets us in on an evening of revision.

Duration: 00:2125 Mar 2020, 22:35

Realising who you are

University provides the opportunity to chase your dreams.

Duration: 00:1825 Mar 2020, 22:35

Advice to students

Michael tells us why 16 and 17 year olds should consider coming to university.

Duration: 00:2025 Mar 2020, 22:35

My university experience

Coming to university has helped Michael to develop as a person - he tells us why.

Duration: 00:2125 Mar 2020, 22:30

My university experience

Cassie tells us about her 'life-changing' university experience.

Duration: 00:2225 Mar 2020, 22:30

Vox-pops: cooking

Henry tells us about how his cooking has improved during his time at university

Duration: 00:2425 Mar 2020, 22:25

Vox-pop: stress

Laura talks about her most stressful time at university and how she has dealt with it.

Duration: 00:2325 Mar 2020, 22:25

Vox-pop: booking a GP appointment

Lucy discusses the importance of registering with a GP and accessing health services, including support

Duration: 00:3725 Mar 2020, 22:20

Vox-pop: keeping fit and healthy

Jose gives his top tips for staying healthy at university, including watching what you eat and getting

Duration: 00:2025 Mar 2020, 22:20