Rewarding experience

Alex tells us why the hard work he has put into his course has been rewarding.

Duration: 00:0825 Mar 2020, 22:55

Why come to university?

Cath tells us about who influenced her to come to university and why it was her "best decision".

Duration: 00:1025 Mar 2020, 22:55

Vox-pop: cooking

Adam's cooking has improved at university. He tells us his signature dish.

Duration: 00:1225 Mar 2020, 22:55


Laura found that her placement has been the best thing about her course.

Duration: 00:1825 Mar 2020, 22:50

Sports degree: coursemates

Cath thinks that the best thing about her course is the working relationship she has with her peers.

Duration: 00:0825 Mar 2020, 22:50

Using student discount

Holly tells us the places where she uses her student discount.

Duration: 00:2325 Mar 2020, 22:50


Holly travelled before coming to university and feels that it has given her skills that make university

Duration: 00:5225 Mar 2020, 22:50

Typical day

Michael explains how he tries to get the most out of his time on campus during the day.

Duration: 00:1825 Mar 2020, 22:45

Insights: photographs and memories

Danny takes us on a tour of his photo wall – a great way to keep hold of memories of friends and family

Duration: 00:1525 Mar 2020, 22:45

Insights: studying photography

Photography student, Danny shows us how photography students prep for assignment hand-ins.

Duration: 00:1525 Mar 2020, 22:45

Freshers' week

This student's memories of freshers' week include been able to meet new people.

Duration: 00:1325 Mar 2020, 22:45

Why come to university?

Chloe feels that coming to university will help prospective students to open their mind.

Duration: 00:1325 Mar 2020, 22:45

Future: next year

Laura is excited and scared about her dissertation

Duration: 00:1425 Mar 2020, 22:40

Dealing with untidy housemates

Chloe talks about respecting other housemates and coping with untidiness in a civilised manner.

Duration: 00:1425 Mar 2020, 22:40

Cooking meals in bulk

Cooking meals in large quantities can be a great way to save money and helps with budgeting.

Duration: 00:1425 Mar 2020, 22:40

Avoid last minute work

Adam has some advice for prospective students on avoiding last minute work.

Duration: 00:1525 Mar 2020, 22:40