I am aware starting your university journey may seem daunting and perhaps lonely. Myself, having had moved to Plymouth from London can understand some of the concerns or fears around university life but hopefully my experience can ease some of your anxiety :)
I'm in my 1st year of social work and so far it's been an interesting learning experience! My placements have been very insightful and inspiring for my journey in social work, at this moment my interest is around working in children's services but im still enjoying exloring my placement with adults.
My previous studies being A-Level Psychology, Sociology and BTEC Health & Social Care has definetely contributed to my interest in this career path as I am intrigued in both sociological and psychological aspects of individuals with my favorites being around biopsychology and adverse childhood experiences.
The best thing about this degree is that it's extremely broad so there's an interest for everyone. for example, it covers subjects from the medical field, law, sociology, education and psychology which gives you unlimited opportunities to explore in the future and plenty of career choices!
University of Hertfordshire
Health, nursing, midwifery and social work
Hi! This is Courtney. I'm happy to share my experiences about studying Child Nursing at Herts with you! I can tell you about the course structure and teaching styles, facilities
on campus, and social activities. If your question is not about Child Nursing please choose the relevant buddy to speak to, or email ask@herts.ac.uk for more help. Please note, I am unable to help with the specifics of your application. Thanks!
University of Hertfordshire
Health, nursing, midwifery and social work
Hi! This is Sarah. I'm happy to share my experiences about studying Paramedic Science at Herts with you! I can tell you about the course structure and teaching styles, facilities on campus, and social activities. If your question is not about Paramedic Science please choose the relevant buddy to speak to, or email ask@herts.ac.uk for more help. Please note, I am unable to help with the specifics of your application. Thanks!