2014 cycle applicant figures - January deadline 2014
These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2014 UCAS cycle at the 15 January
News articles
2014 cycle applicant figures - January deadline 2014
These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2014 UCAS cycle at the 15 January
2014 cycle applicant figures – October deadline
Summarising applicant numbers in the 2014 undergraduate cycle, for courses with a 15 October deadline.
Future medics, dentists and vets encouraged to submit their UCAS applications
The first UCAS deadline of the academic year is nearly here – crucial for degrees in medicine, dentistry
Applicants can now send 2014 undergraduate applications to UCAS
Don't forget some courses have a 15 October application deadline.
2013 applicant figures – October
Data reported as at Thursday 18 October 2012 (00:05) compared to the same point in previous cycles, for
UCAS comment on October applicant statistics
A comment on 15 October applicant statistics from Mary Curnock Cook, UCAS Chief Executive.