Personal statement advice: English

Are you looking to study English literature or language at university? You'll need to pay attention to more than just your spelling and grammar, according to admissions tutors. Here's what else budding literary students will need to showcase – or avoid – in their applications.

Applying to university as an international student

Discover any information you might need to succeed in applying to UK institutions as an international student. Find advice on visas, English language skills, why you should study in the UK and what your qualifications will mean.

Career Goals: Playwright/Theatre director

How do you turn a passion for words into a career? London playwright and theatre director Lynette did just that, after finding inspiration from one author while studying English at university.

Lesson activities: 11 – 14 year olds

Get your 11 – 14 year old students thinking about their futures with our careers planner, identifying strengths worksheet, presentation, and activities to support those with English as an additional language (EAL).

2019 cycle applicant figures – 30 June deadline

These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2019 UCAS Undergraduate cycle at the 30 June deadline. All the PDFs and CSVs can be found underneath the interactive tool below.

Additional funding

As well as a student loan, there’s other financial support available from a range of sources. Find out more about funding your undergraduate course.

Admissions tests

Some universities require you to sit an admissions test as part of the application process – discover the different types of assessment here.

Adult nurse

Adult nurses are expert members of a medical team. They plan and deliver vital treatment for a wide range of patients with different needs and conditions.

Advisers: UCAS International app

With UCAS International, students have access to all UK courses and scholarship data on one easy-to-search mobile application. You can use UCAS International to see the scholarships your students will be eligible for, based on the personalised profile you can help them create.