The complete guide to sponsored degrees
Would your students prefer a degree that combines study and paid work experience? If so a sponsored degree may appeal to them. Our guide explains all...
Information and advice pages
The complete guide to sponsored degrees
Would your students prefer a degree that combines study and paid work experience? If so a sponsored degree may appeal to them. Our guide explains all...
Engineering and technology 2026 personal statement guide
Make sure you tailor your personal statement to the course you’re applying to and keep it personal, relevant, and reflective.
Discover Subjects
Connect with students as they find out more about their subject of interest and translate ideas into more concrete plans, at our Discover Subjects events.
Haider, Level 7 management accounting apprentice
Haider Ali is in his fourth year of a management accounting apprenticeship at engineering company Rolls-Royce, in Derby.
Why should I choose the UK for postgraduate studies?
Over 45% of international students in the UK are here to complete a postgraduate degree, because it has some of the world’s top-ranking universities, leading the way in pioneering research and academic studies. This page explains the postgraduate options available, how to apply, and some of the benefits of studying in the UK.
Applying for an engineering apprenticeship
Are you eager to take on a career in engineering? Engineering apprenticeships offer students at all levels the opportunity to acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience while on the path towards becoming a qualified engineer. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of applying for an engineering apprenticeship, including invaluable advice from employers on what they seek in an apprentice.
Electrical and electronic engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Get the circuitry right with a personal statement that powers up your good points, lets your knowledge shine, and shows what sparked your interest in electrical and electronic engineering.
Optometry 2026 personal statement guide
Visualise what admissions tutors want to know about you, your knowledge and your experience, and how that makes you suitable for an optometry degree.
Product design 2026 personal statement guide
Bring your personal statement to life by showing admissions tutors you’re a thinker and an innovator, with the right aptitude, passion, and knowledge for product design.
Provider opt in for pre-approved unpicks C&C 2024
Following the success of our pre-approved reply swap process, we’re launching a new pilot trial for providers to opt in to pre-approving unpicking confirmation decisions that have been made in error during the period of Confirmation and Clearing. Please complete the web form below to indicate if you intend to sign up, or not.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for funding of future provision?
Rt Hon. Lord Willetts FRS, President of the Resolution Foundation and Former Minister for Universities and Science.