Cambridge Technicals
Facts about Cambridge Technicals: who they are for and what subjects are available.
Information and advice pages
Cambridge Technicals
Facts about Cambridge Technicals: who they are for and what subjects are available.
Personal statement advice: music
Writing a personal statement for music? Whether your musical interests lie in performance or music history, think engaging, detailed, and relevant to strike the right note with music admissions tutors.
Leading Technology Consulting Company Achieves 40 Successful Application Hires from Worthing to Woking with UCAS
Using UCAS' data and insight to execute a targeted paid media campaign to attract a diverse range of candidates for this technology company's graduate and apprenticeship roles.
Paid Social & Search Campaigns
We run targeted campaigns across a mix of paid media platforms from Google to TikTok, so you can be confident of better brand awareness, student engagement and ROI for your business.
Multichannel campaigns
Reach the right students on the right channels. We’re one of the biggest education sites in the UK – we're ahead of Google when it comes to students seeking information about higher education options.
Scholarships, grants, and bursaries
With world renowned teaching, research, and facilities – as well as a rich historical and cultural heritage – UK is one of the most popular study destinations for international students from around the globe and hosts hundreds of thousands international students annually.
Use your UCAS status codes to open a student account
Save yourself time and effort by using your UCAS status codes when opening a bank account. These codes allow a number of banks to confirm your eligibility for their student accounts.
Build lifelong connections with Gen-Z
UCAS offers a unique and trusted media ecosystem designed and built around the student application journey.
Early careers multichannel campaigns
Reach the right candidates and their influencers on the right channels. 1.3 million students come to UCAS each year to explore their next steps – we're ahead of Google when it comes to students seeking information about higher education.
Fill your accommodation
From targeted paid social campaigns to integrated multichannel delivery we can support your annual campaign plans and help you get your living space noticed.
How does distance learning work?
Discover how distance learning works if you’re studying a degree remotely, from applying to teaching and exams. Plus, see what support is available from tutors and other students.
How to write a cover letter
Why is a cover letter important, and what should you say in yours? Make the right impression with our tips and examples.
Our products and services
Take advantage of UCAS' unique access to students to market your products, services and opportunities to the people who'll want them the most.
Student marketing for brands
Connect with one of the UK’s largest and most responsive youth audiences via our trusted brand. We understand who students are and what they're interested in buying. Gain loyal new customers by using our data insights to reach them.
Supporting you through Confirmation and Clearing
Discover key dates, essentials and guidance for confirmation and clearing.
T Levels
Facts about T Levels: what's involved in studying them, how they are assessed, and how long they take to complete.
What is UCAS?
UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is an independent charity and the UK's shared admissions service for higher education.