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Admissions tests

Some universities require you to sit an admissions test as part of the application process – discover the different types of assessment here.

Clearing Plus

Clearing Plus matches students to their most suited Clearing courses. It's your chance to stand out, cutting through the noise - all as part of your capitation fee.

Dates and deadlines for uni applications

Some courses have different deadlines, and many are a long time in advance of the start of the course. Find out which deadline applies to you, and what you need to do by that deadline.


Unsure of what to do with your life or what your next steps are? Use our information on careers, apprenticeships and university to explore what routes are available and which one is right for you.

Provider opt in for pre-approved unpicks C&C 2024

Following the success of our pre-approved reply swap process, we’re launching a new pilot trial for providers to opt in to pre-approving unpicking confirmation decisions that have been made in error during the period of Confirmation and Clearing. Please complete the web form below to indicate if you intend to sign up, or not.