After you get your exam results
What to do in different circumstances, depending on your exam results.
Information and advice pages
After you get your exam results
What to do in different circumstances, depending on your exam results.
Agriculture and related sciences 2026 personal statement guide
Whether you want to work in farming, forestry or fishing, get across your interest and enthusiasm for the course, alongside some insights into the subject area.
Alice, Level 6 postgraduate teaching apprentice
Alice is doing her postgraduate teaching apprenticeship at St Martin’s C of E Voluntary Aided Schools in Epsom, with Surrey South Farnham SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher Training).
All the questions to ask at a UCAS event
At UCAS Discovery, you can speak to our experts to help you decide on your next steps.
Alternatives to university
Going to uni or doing an apprenticeship isn’t right for everybody. When researching post-16 plans, it’s important your child weighs up all their options to make the right decision for them in the long-term.
Amy, Level 3 rugby development apprentice
Amy Rothero has completed a Level 3 rugby development apprenticeship at the Welsh Rugby Union. Following her experience, Amy decided to go on to study a degree in sport management at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Amy, Level 6 design engineering technical apprentice
Amy Lauder is in her third year of a four-year Level 6 graduate apprenticeship with aerospace company Leonardo. She will qualify with a BEng (Hons) in Engineering: Design and Manufacture from the University of Strathclyde.
Anthropology 2026 personal statement guide
Write about what fascinates you about humans, and your desire to study our behaviour and biology further at university.
Appeal to specific markets
Whether you’re looking to connect with under-represented groups, specialist subject prospects, international students or postgraduates – we can help you understand and reach new customers across the full conversion funnel. From smart audience insights to targeted multichannel campaigns, we support universities and colleges to connect with eager students in new and novel ways.
Applicants and acceptances by groups of applicants – 2017
Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.
Applicants and acceptances by groups of applicants – 2016
Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.
Applications and acceptances for initial teacher training providers – 2017
Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.
Applications and acceptances for types of initial teacher training programme – 2017
Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.
Applications and acceptances for types of initial teacher training programme – 2016
Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.
Apprenticeship Application Guides
Take a look at our tailored guides and get access to top tips from employers and existing apprentices to guide you through the application process.