Graduate visa
After you’ve studied in the UK, and achieved a relevant degree or equivalent qualification, you can apply for a graduate visa. Discover what is it, how to apply, what the requirements are, and how long it might take.
Information and advice pages
Graduate visa
After you’ve studied in the UK, and achieved a relevant degree or equivalent qualification, you can apply for a graduate visa. Discover what is it, how to apply, what the requirements are, and how long it might take.
HE provider good practice briefing for care experienced students
This is for staff working in universities and colleges. It outlines the common challenges for students who are care experienced (CE) and provides examples of good practice found around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education (HE).
HE provider good practice briefing for estranged students
This good practice briefing is written for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new flag to identify estranged students in the UCAS application for 2023 entry. We have worked with Stand Alone to outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges, supporting the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who are refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK. We have worked with STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM). Here, we outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students who participated in WP and outreach activities
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges. Here, we outline common challenges for students who participated in widening participation (WP) and outreach activities, and share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education.
HE provider good practice briefing for students with parenting responsibilities
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges to support the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify students with parenting responsibilities from 2023 entry. Here, we outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students with care responsibilities
This good practice briefing is written for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify students with caring responsibilities from 2023 entry. We have worked with the Carers Trust to outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
Hospitality, leisure, and tourism 2026 personal statement guide
Give admissions tutors an insight into the kind of person you are, what experience you have, and your motivation to study hospitality, leisure, and tourism.
Mature conservatoire students
Every year, thousands of adults go into higher education and many study at a conservatoire. It's a great chance to develop skills and career options.
Multichannel campaigns
Reach the right students on the right channels. We’re one of the biggest education sites in the UK – we're ahead of Google when it comes to students seeking information about higher education options.
Other funding for full-time students
Depending on what and where you choose to study, you may be eligible for additional sources of funding. Content provided by Student Finance England.
Personal statement advice: politics
Have you chosen to study politics? Then you’ll need to write a personal statement that’s thoughtful, reflective, and enthusiastic. Admissions tutors give us their top tips below:
Politics 2026 personal statement guide
Why do you want to study politics? Write a personal statement that’s thoughtful, reflective, and enthusiastic if you want admissions tutors to vote for you.
Reach, recruit and retain a diverse workforce: Building a better future for women in construction
The UK construction industry needs to recruit more workers and diversify it’s workforce – how can this be achieved?
Student finance for migrant workers
If you’re an EEA or Swiss national who is living and working in England, you could get the same student finance as a UK national. Content provided by Student Finance England.
Student marketing for brands
Connect with one of the UK’s largest and most responsive youth audiences via our trusted brand. We understand who students are and what they're interested in buying. Gain loyal new customers by using our data insights to reach them.
Students with caring responsibilities
If you're responsible for providing unpaid care to a family member, partner or friend, you may be able to get extra support during your studies.
Support for disabled people taking apprenticeships
Being disabled shouldn’t limit your job or study choice, and apprenticeships can be a great route for you to get into your chosen career.
Supporting young people in care with their Personal Education Plans (PEPs)
If you are supporting a young person’s Personal Education Plan (PEP), this guide suggests professional actions as they make their career and education choices – from Year 8 through to post-16 study. Content provided by Virtual School Sheffield.