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Amy, Level 3 rugby development apprentice

Amy Rothero has completed a Level 3 rugby development apprenticeship at the Welsh Rugby Union. Following her experience, Amy decided to go on to study a degree in sport management at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Amy, Level 6 design engineering technical apprentice

Amy Lauder is in her third year of a four-year Level 6 graduate apprenticeship with aerospace company Leonardo. She will qualify with a BEng (Hons) in Engineering: Design and Manufacture from the University of Strathclyde.

Apprenticeship FAQs

Wondering where to start with apprenticeships? We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about applying for vacancies, how they work, salary and benefits, and degree apprenticeships.


Interested in an apprenticeship? Find out everything you need to know.

Apprenticeships in England

Everything you need to know about apprenticeships in England, including what they are, entry requirements, and more.

Apprenticeships in Wales

Everything you need to know about apprenticeships in Wales, including what they are, how they work, and more.

Apprenticeships: Expert guidance

Discover everything you need to know about managing a successful apprenticeship scheme – from launching a new initiative to successfully recruiting and retaining the brightest talent.

Astudio yn y Gymraeg

Gall astudio addysg uwch yn y Gymraeg gynnig nifer o ddewisiadau gyrfa i chi – yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Mae mwy a mwy o sefydliadau’n sylweddoli manteision cyflogi graddedigion sy’n gallu cyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, ac os mai’r Gymraeg yw eich iaith gyntaf neu eich ail iaith, mae digonedd o bosibiliadau ar eich cyfer.

Attend a virtual open day

If you can't visit them in person, you might be able to attend a virtual open day at a university or college.

Azrah, Level 6 clinical trials specialist degree apprentice

Azrah Bashir is in her second year of a clinical trials specialist degree apprenticeship at HMR London (Hammersmith Medicines Research); a company specialising in phase 1 and early phase 2 clinical trials. At the end of her five-year course she will get a BSc Applied Bioscience degree from the University of Kent.

Balancing work and study

As long as it doesn’t take up too much study time, finding a part-time job is a great way to gain more money, less debt, and new skills for your CV.

Can I change my mind?

Reflected on your choices and decided that you would like to change your mind? Not a problem. Follow our tips on how to navigate changing your mind.

Case studies: apprenticeships

Discover real-life stories from current apprentices, including how they landed the role and what day-to-day life as an apprentice is like.

Celebrating Apprenticeships

We were delighted to host our Celebrating Apprenticeships event at Mansion House, joined by over 150 employers, training providers, EPAOs, government officials, and apprentices, sharing insights and celebrating the apprenticeship community.