A levels

Facts about A levels: recent changes, subjects and grades, who they are for and what you can do afterwards.

A student's guide to Birmingham

You’ll find Birmingham to be a vibrant, youthful, and diverse city with so much on offer that you won’t want to leave...

A student's guide to Glasgow

You may be surprised at the deep and vocal love people have for Glasgow, but linger a while and you will soon understand it is a very 'dear green place'.

A student's guide to Huddersfield

On first appearance Huddersfield is a sleepy town, ideal for those who want a quieter life and the space that you can't find in the cities, but it will surprise you.

A student's guide to Manchester

Local yet international, full of heritage yet incredibly multicultural, large yet friendly and accessible – it has to be Manchester.

A student's guide to Nottingham

Nottingham packs a punch when it comes to dining, shopping, nightlife, sport, and culture. But the city isn’t just about the new – it is steeped in history...

About the essay collection

UCAS, in collaboration with Unite Students and Knight Frank, is grateful for the input from a range of stakeholders and partners across the UK education and skills sectors, whose individual voices have created this essay collection. The opinions expressed in individual essays are the authors’ own, and do not reflect the views of UCAS. The purpose of this release is to stimulate debate.


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Accommodation for apprentices

If you decide to do an apprenticeship, accommodation is something to consider if you’re going to live away from home. It’s important you make the right decision for you and your circumstances, so you feel comfortable and happy after coming home from work. We’ve outlined what you need to know to make an informed decision for you.