Routes into teaching in England
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Routes into teaching in England
Which teacher training route is right for you? Use our filter to narrow your search and explore your options.
Scholarships, grants, and bursaries
With world renowned teaching, research, and facilities – as well as a rich historical and cultural heritage – UK is one of the most popular study destinations for international students from around the globe and hosts hundreds of thousands international students annually.
Students with caring responsibilities
If you're responsible for providing unpaid care to a family member, partner or friend, you may be able to get extra support during your studies.
Study options
Discover what different degrees and courses are available and where to help you make the right decision about your future.
Studying at a higher education college
Higher education (HE) courses don’t have to be studied at a university – there are more than 240 colleges in the UK that offer a range of higher education courses.
Supporting care experienced students
Students who have spent time in care are entitled to support with going to university. Here are some practical ways in which you can support care experienced students research their options and prepare for their next step, which we have developed with experts such as the Care Leavers' Covenant, Become, the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers (NNECL) and Who Cares? Scotland.
Supporting students experiencing estrangement from their parents
Young people who are considering higher education but do not have support from either of their parents due to a breakdown in their relationship (also known as being ‘estranged’) may encounter challenges in their journey. Here we outline the ways in which you can help students in at each stage and explain what support they may be able to access.
Supporting young people in care with their Personal Education Plans (PEPs)
If you are supporting a young person’s Personal Education Plan (PEP), this guide suggests professional actions as they make their career and education choices – from Year 8 through to post-16 study. Content provided by Virtual School Sheffield.
Supporting your students in navigating to their best fit UK university
Shikha Singh, Career Counsellor, The Cathedral and John Connon Senior School
The complete guide to sponsored degrees
Would your students prefer a degree that combines study and paid work experience? If so a sponsored degree may appeal to them. Our guide explains all...
The results process
What happens, when, and what your students need to do to avoid delays to their application.
Top tips for calling universities during Clearing
Clearing is how unis and colleges fill any spaces they have left on their courses.
Tuition Fee Loans for full-time students
If you're studying an undergraduate course, you could get a Tuition Fee Loan. A Tuition Fee Loan covers the cost of the fees charged by your university or college. Content provided by Student Finance England.
Tuition Fee Loans for part-time students
A Tuition Fee Loan covers the cost of the fees charged by your university or college. Content provided by Student Finance England.
UCAS Reports
Over the past four years, UCAS has released these high-impact reports that shone a light on pertinent issues in education and skills.