T Levels

Facts about T Levels: what's involved in studying them, how they are assessed, and how long they take to complete.


Facts about the TechBAc: who they're for, what do I need to get in, where can I study one and what's involved, and what you can do afterwards.

Top apprenticeship myths: busted

Confused about apprenticeships? Not sure how to sort the fact from fiction? Here, we’ve put together some of the top myths about apprenticeships, along with the real facts.

UCAS Reports

Over the past two years, UCAS has released these high-impact reports that shone a light on pertinent issues in education and skills.

Virtual Work Experiences

Led by industry experts from the world's leading employers, Virtual Work Experiences give you a taste of what a career would look like through interactive, on-demand programmes.

What to study

Find out what each type of postgraduate qualification involves, what the entry requirements are, how much it might cost, and where to find out more.