Mature conservatoire students

Every year, thousands of adults go into higher education and many study at a conservatoire. It's a great chance to develop skills and career options.

Mature undergraduate students

Every year, thousands of mature students go to university or college. It's a great chance to develop new skills and career options – at any age.

Navigating school or college

Studying for exams, making choices about what to do next, and managing friendships and relationships means there’s a lot going on whilst you’re at school or college. It’s a transitional time in life – but you’re not alone. Use these resources to help you navigate your teenage career.


As the first responders to medical emergency situations, paramedics head into the unknown to save lives and help those in need of urgent medical care.

Personal statement advice: animal science

A degree in animal science opens up numerous career options working with animals, or could be a stepping stone into a graduate veterinary medicine course. If it's your degree of choice, here are some personal statement pointers.

Personal statement advice: nursing

Qualifying as a nurse opens up a wide and diverse range of career paths. However, the selection criteria will be quite rigorous and you need to show you fit the bill.


Podiatrists help people live more comfortably by providing treatment and care for foot and leg problems.

Postgraduate open days and events

Attending postgraduate open days before applying will give you plenty of time to make a confident, informed decision about the course that best suits your learning style, and meets your career aspirations.

Postgraduate study

Postgraduate courses can help you progress or change your career. Find out what the options are and how to apply.

Recruit apprentices with UCAS

With UCAS you can attract the right candidates to meet your business needs. We’re here to make choices clearer for anyone taking their next step in education or career development and every year we help over 1.3 million young people discover their options. Tap into the UK’s biggest talent pool of students and graduates and connect with candidates with the exact qualifications, skills, and characteristics you’re searching for.

Six recruitment marketing strategies to boost take-up of apprenticeships

Of the three main post-secondary pathways, going to university remains the default choice across the UK in 2024. But for apprenticeships and early careers opportunities, despite all their unique benefits so suited to today’s cost-of-living crisis, it remains a battle for a distant second place.

Six recruitment marketing strategies to boost take-up of apprenticeships

Of the three main post-secondary pathways, going to university remains the default choice across the UK in 2024. But for apprenticeships and early careers opportunities, despite all their unique benefits so suited to today’s cost-of-living crisis, it remains a battle for a distant second place.

Studying in Welsh

Studying higher education in Welsh can offer lots of career options – not just in Wales but further afield too. Find out more.

Supporting children from UK Armed Forces families (Service children)

If a student's parent(s) or carer(s) is serving as a Regular or Reservist in the UK Armed Forces, or has done so in the past, their experience of going to university may be different to their non-Service peers. We have worked with the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance to explain how you can practically support Service children along their journey to higher education.