Personal statement advice: politics

Have you chosen to study politics? Then you’ll need to write a personal statement that’s thoughtful, reflective, and enthusiastic. Admissions tutors give us their top tips below:

Personal statement advice: psychology

Impress admissions tutors by getting the tone of your psychology personal statement spot-on. Here are some top tips on how to do so (no reverse psychology required).

Personal statement advice: sports science

Writing a sports science personal statement? One way to win over sports science admissions tutors is to dig into the detail of the course itself, and focus your personal statement accordingly. We've been asking sports science tutors what they're looking for in your personal statement – here's what they told us.

Personal statement advice: statistics

The massive surge in digital data in recent years means there’s lots for statisticians to get excited about. We speak to an admissions tutor to find out the best way to approach your personal statement.

Personal statement dos and don'ts

The personal statement is your opportunity to talk about you, and why you want to enrol on a particular course. Use these easy-to-digest bullet points to help you decide what you should and shouldn’t include in your personal statement.

Personal statements for 2026 entry onwards

For students applying to university for 2026 entry, the personal statement format will be changing. Here, we'll cover what exactly is changing, why the changes are happening, and how you can support students.


Physiotherapists help people regain their independence by relieving physical difficulties and improving mobility with exercise and other techniques

Planning their future

It’s important students consider their post-school plans early – but with so many options, where should they start?