Finance for part-time tuition fee only students
Lots of students from overseas choose to study in the UK, and could be eligible for student finance. Content provided by Student Finance England.
Information and advice pages
Finance for part-time tuition fee only students
Lots of students from overseas choose to study in the UK, and could be eligible for student finance. Content provided by Student Finance England.
Financial information for international students
Studying in the UK can bring a lot of challenges, with financial pressures being top of the list, but there is help available. Discover what financial options there are, how UK banking works, and about scholarships and bursaries.
Financial support for refugees and asylum seekers and those with limited leave to remain
If you're applying to higher education and you're a refugee, asylum seeker or have limited leave to remain in the UK, there may be support available to help you with finance and your studies.
Five ways to save money at university
Check out five easy and practical ways to save money while studying at university in the UK. The good news is that, as a student, there are lots of ways to save money – here's five tips to get you started.
Freshers Report 2022 - Top Brands
Our eleventh annual report offers unique exploration into current freshers’ behaviours from across the UK.
Graduate schemes and entry-level jobs
Finding your first full-time job after you graduate can be a challenge, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the UK jobs system. There are a few types of roles that you can get after university, each with its own strengths, weaknesses and application requirements.
Graduate visa
After you’ve studied in the UK, and achieved a relevant degree or equivalent qualification, you can apply for a graduate visa. Discover what is it, how to apply, what the requirements are, and how long it might take.
HE provider good practice briefing for care experienced students
This is for staff working in universities and colleges. It outlines the common challenges for students who are care experienced (CE) and provides examples of good practice found around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education (HE).
HE provider good practice briefing for estranged students
This good practice briefing is written for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new flag to identify estranged students in the UCAS application for 2023 entry. We have worked with Stand Alone to outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges, supporting the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who are refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK. We have worked with STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM). Here, we outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students who participated in WP and outreach activities
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges. Here, we outline common challenges for students who participated in widening participation (WP) and outreach activities, and share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education.
HE provider good practice briefing for students with parenting responsibilities
This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges to support the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify students with parenting responsibilities from 2023 entry. Here, we outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
HE provider good practice briefing for students with care responsibilities
This good practice briefing is written for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify students with caring responsibilities from 2023 entry. We have worked with the Carers Trust to outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice being done around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.
How to prepare for a uni interview
Is there one UK university you would love to study at? Or have you found the perfect course for you? As part of the application process, they may want you to attend an interview or submit your work to see if you're the right kind of student.
Info and specs
Our exhibitions are your chance to engage with tens of thousands of students, along with their teachers and parents, both virtually and in person at locations right across the UK.
UCAS has a wide range of information, resources and services to support international students, advisers and UK universities and colleges. This ranges from advice and guidance on the UK higher education admissions journey, to data dashboards and insights.
International events
It's a good idea to talk about your higher education options in person. Go to a course provider open day to explore the campus and get insights from staff and students – or take a virtual tour. We also recommend you go to UK events or one of the British Council events around the world. You'll find lots of helpful advice, and can ask any questions you may have.
International students
Discover everything you need to know as an international student planning to come to the UK. Whether you're coming for the first time, returning for postgraduate, or are still waiting to make a decision, our guidance below can help you prepare as best you can for life in the UK.