Exhibiting as a university or college

We run the go-to events for young people researching their post-school/college options. They're your chance to showcase your university or college and everything it has to offer to the exact audience you need to reach.

Filling in your UCAS Undergraduate application

Don’t leave applying until the last minute as there’s quite a bit to do – but you don’t need to complete the application all at once. Read our advice below to help you through the application process, step by step.

Gap years

Gap years can be used to enhance your CV, travel, learn new skills, and much more. Find out more and get some inspiration here.

Helping students find worthwhile work experience placements

It’s not always easy to secure work experience placements, but it is worth the effort, and it pays to start from as early as Year 9. Here’s how to ensure their placement is worthwhile, suitable, and gives them something useful to take away at the end.

How can we help?

Having trouble with something on your application? Search our FAQs to see if you can find an answer to common issues people contact us about, or find out how to get in touch below.

How I got my job at the BBC

Considering going into journalism? We speak to Levi, Alex, and Ella who all took different routes to get into the same career.