Applying for an engineering apprenticeship

Are you eager to take on a career in engineering? Engineering apprenticeships offer students at all levels the opportunity to acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience while on the path towards becoming a qualified engineer. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of applying for an engineering apprenticeship, including invaluable advice from employers on what they seek in an apprentice.

Azrah, Level 6 clinical trials specialist degree apprentice

Azrah Bashir is in her second year of a clinical trials specialist degree apprenticeship at HMR London (Hammersmith Medicines Research); a company specialising in phase 1 and early phase 2 clinical trials. At the end of her five-year course she will get a BSc Applied Bioscience degree from the University of Kent.

Children's nurse

Children’s nurses work as part of a supportive and inspiring team to provide young patients and their families with the vital care and compassion they need.

Filling in your UCAS Undergraduate application

Don’t leave applying until the last minute as there’s quite a bit to do – but you don’t need to complete the application all at once. Read our advice below to help you through the application process, step by step.

HE provider good practice briefing for refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain

This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges, supporting the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who are refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK. We have worked with STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.

HE provider good practice briefing for students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)

This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM). Here, we outline the common challenges for these students, share examples of good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.

How does distance learning work?

Discover how distance learning works if you’re studying a degree remotely, from applying to teaching and exams. Plus, see what support is available from tutors and other students.