UCAS' responses to consultations
In this section are a number of UCAS responses and comments in relation to relevant consultations and other key publications. Click on each consultation to view and download the details.
Information and advice pages
UCAS' responses to consultations
In this section are a number of UCAS responses and comments in relation to relevant consultations and other key publications. Click on each consultation to view and download the details.
UCAS' standing groups
Here are details of our standing groups and where you can find out more about them.
UK Armed Forces veterans and service leavers
If you have ever served as a Regular or Reservist in the UK Armed Forces, or remain a Reservist, you may find there are unique challenges involved in applying to university or college.
Undergraduate tuition fees and student loans
How much are tuition fees and how are you going to pay for them? Find out how to fund your studies and how to apply here.
Understand your customers
With deep-dive data and insights into student volumes, demographics, behaviours and decisions, get tangible evidence to inform your strategies.
Universities and colleges
Reach your future students and recruitment goals. Connect with the right audience through data insights and precisely targeted campaigns. We understand who students are, what’s driving their application decisions and how you can find the ones who'll most likely enjoy your courses. No other organisation can offer you that.
Virtual Work Experiences
Connecting employers and young people through on-demand, immersive work experience programmes
Virtual Work Experiences
Led by industry experts from the world's leading employers, Virtual Work Experiences give you a taste of what a career would look like through interactive, on-demand programmes.
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to help out in the community, with a charity, or another organisation.
What are my options after GCSEs or National 5s?
After GCSEs or National 5s, you could continue studying subjects you like, take vocational qualifications, an apprenticeship, or work or volunteer and study part-time.
What are risks and opportunities for widening participation on the Journey to a Million?
Susie Whigham, Interim Chief Executive Officer, The Brilliant Club, examines the risks and opportunities for widening participation on the Journey to a Million.