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Teacher training

If you’re considering teaching in a UK state school, you’ll need to have a degree, and a recognised teaching qualification. Initial Teacher Education or Training (ITET) programmes across the UK are broadly similar, providing a combination of academic study and time in school, as you learn about key teaching methods. The routes, entry requirements, and statutory teaching standards are different depending on where in the UK you plan to train, and ultimately, teach. You can apply through UCAS for the main postgraduate and undergraduate teacher training programmes in Wales and Scotland. For programmes in England, use the DfE's 'Apply for teacher training' service.

Teachers and advisers

Information and resources for teachers to help students choose their post-16 education and training.

Ten ways to get the most out of work experience

Work experience is more than just something to stick on your CV. As student blogger Anna writes, it’s a great opportunity to prepare yourself for the working world – as long as you get stuck in.

The pros and cons of studying outside of the UK

Here are some pros and cons of studying outside of the UK to get you started. It’s a good idea to create your own tables of pros and cons for each course, country, and study options you’re considering.

The results process

What happens, when, and what your students need to do to avoid delays to their application.