
Most students find themselves on a tight budget, so managing your money is really important to cover everything you need. Learn how to budget properly and save money at university.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

UCAS is committed to operating ethically, demonstrating integrity and acting responsibly to its customers and wider stakeholders.

Cambridge Technicals

Facts about Cambridge Technicals: who they are for and what subjects are available.

Career goals: Nurse

Nurse Ewout talks switching paths to enter nursing, the different opportunities it can afford you, the profession's changing image, and more.

Children's nurse

Children’s nurses work as part of a supportive and inspiring team to provide young patients and their families with the vital care and compassion they need.

Clearing guide for parents

Heard of Clearing but not sure what it’s all about? Here we share what you need to know and practical tips for supporting someone through the process.

Contextual admissions

Some students face additional challenges during their education which may impact their results. Universities recognise these challenges, and can make adjustments through ‘contextual admissions’. Find out more about what this is, who is eligible, and how you qualify.

Create Your Future Exhibitor Zone

The Exhibitor Zone contains everything you need when exhibiting at Create Your Future events - including handy guides, event-specific information pages, marketing assets and more.

Data solutions

Explore how UCAS’ data-driven insights can help solve the higher education challenges your organisation is facing.

Diagnostic radiographer

Diagnostic radiographers use state-of-the-art technology to diagnose patients and make sure they receive the right treatment to help them on their road to recovery.

Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) scheme aims to ensure everyone has the support and adjustments they need to succeed during their studies.

Disabled Students' Allowance: Northern Ireland

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) aims to ensure everyone has the support and adjustments they need to succeed during their studies. This information is relevant to students who normally live in Northern Ireland.