Mental health and wellbeing: University support
It’s important to know what mental health and wellbeing support is available to you during your studies – and how to access it.
Information and advice pages
Mental health and wellbeing: University support
It’s important to know what mental health and wellbeing support is available to you during your studies – and how to access it.
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UCAS Reports
Over the past four years, UCAS has released these high-impact reports that shone a light on pertinent issues in education and skills.
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to help out in the community, with a charity, or another organisation.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for Careers Information, Advice and Guidance to students about their choices?
Oli De Botton, Chief Executive, The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC)
What finance options are available if I want to study in the UK?
If you plan to study in the UK, you might be interested in what financial support is available to help you during your studies.