International Baccalaureate (IB)
Facts about the International Baccalaureate: find out what's involved in studying the diploma programme and the career-related certificate.
Information and advice pages
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Facts about the International Baccalaureate: find out what's involved in studying the diploma programme and the career-related certificate.
UCAS events
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Scholarships, grants, and bursaries: Arts
Studying fine art, design, photography, dance, or another arts subject? Discover what arts scholarships, grants, and bursaries are available to help with the cost of course materials, plus general living expenses and tuition fees.
2015 entry UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background, and ethnic group
These data cover applications, offers, and placed applicants by sex, area background, and ethnic group at 132 larger universities.
2018 entry UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background, and ethnic group
These data cover applications, offers, and placed applicants by sex, area background, and ethnic group, at 132 larger universities.
2019 entry UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background, and ethnic group
These data cover applications, offers, and placed applicants by sex, area background, and ethnic group, at 132 larger universities.
A student's guide to Birmingham
You’ll find Birmingham to be a vibrant, youthful, and diverse city with so much on offer that you won’t want to leave...
A student's guide to Glasgow
You may be surprised at the deep and vocal love people have for Glasgow, but linger a while and you will soon understand it is a very 'dear green place'.
A student's guide to London
London’s diversity and rapidity will challenge and excite you in equal amounts.
Career goals: Press officer
If a company or brand does something significant in the world but no one hears it, did it really happen?
How to advise students about GCSE choices
Get to grips with the key issues around choosing GCSEs. This introductory guide will help you understand the facts and advise your students effectively.
Personal statement advice: photography
Whether it's an exhibition you've visited or an artist who inspires you, drawing on your photography influences is key to an impressive photography personal statement. We asked photography admissions tutors what they're looking for in your personal statement – and here are some more of their top tips.
Provider opt in for pre-approved unpicks C&C 2024
Following the success of our pre-approved reply swap process, we’re launching a new pilot trial for providers to opt in to pre-approving unpicking confirmation decisions that have been made in error during the period of Confirmation and Clearing. Please complete the web form below to indicate if you intend to sign up, or not.
Teachers: How to link your subject to the world of work
Careers expert, Janet Colledge, gives essential advice on why and how subject tutors can introduce students to the world of work through their teaching.
What will an increase in demand mean for smaller and specialist higher education institutions?
Anthony McClaran, Vice-Chancellor St Mary’s University Twickenham and Chair of GuildHE