Questions to ask at an exhibition

This is your opportunity to talk to lots of different universities, colleges, employers, and other experts about anything to do with uni or apprenticeships and, most importantly, to ask questions.

Reach new markets

With unrivalled student reach, choose how you want to engage and recruit.

Recruit new talent

We’ll share your vacancies directly with the world’s biggest talent pool of students and graduates. Our dedicated jobs board and precision-targeting campaigns enable employers to advertise and connect to innovative candidates who'd love to work for you.


Why you need a reference, who to choose as a referee, and how to add it to your application.

Researching university options

If your child decides university is the right path for them, there’s still a lot of research to do, with approximately 35,000 undergraduate courses to choose from.

Results day packages

Promote your apprenticeship opportunities as students are receiving their exam results and making crucial decisions about their next steps.

Scholarships, grants, and bursaries

If your student loan won’t nearly be enough to cover your university costs, check out these extra pots of money to help with living expenses and tuition fees.

Scholarships, grants, and bursaries: EU and international students

With world renowned teaching, research, and facilities – as well as a rich historical and cultural heritage, UK is one of the most popular study destinations for international students from around the globe and hosts hundreds of thousand international students annually.