What does the Journey to a Million mean for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression?
Ben Jordan, Head of Policy at UCAS examines what the Journey to a Million means for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression.
Information and advice pages
What does the Journey to a Million mean for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression?
Ben Jordan, Head of Policy at UCAS examines what the Journey to a Million means for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for technical education?
Ginny Page, Director of Education Programmes, Gatsby Foundation
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the nature of competition in higher education?
Nicola Dandridge, Professor of Higher Education Policy, University of Bristol.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the overall student experience?
Professor Edward Peck CBE, Vice-Chancellor Nottingham Trent University and Department for Education Higher Education Student Support Champion
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the qualifications of young people?
Bill Watkin, Chief Executive, Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the supply of apprenticeship opportunities?
Andy Forbes, Head of Development at the Lifelong Education Commission and Apprenticeship Champion for UCAS
What is an apprenticeship?
Find out the key info about apprenticeships, including what they are, how they work, and more.
What is distance learning?
Distance learning allows you to pursue a degree, by studying in your own time, rather than on campus. Learn more about this alternative, including who offers it, and whether employers recognise it.
What is the journey to a million?
UCAS projects that by the end of the decade, we could see up to a million students apply for higher education (HE) across the full range of Level 4 and above opportunities. In collaboration with Unite Students and Knight Frank, we examine those projections in more detail below.
What will an increase in demand mean for smaller and specialist higher education institutions?
Anthony McClaran, Vice-Chancellor St Mary’s University Twickenham and Chair of GuildHE
When is the best time of year to engage students with your apprenticeship opportunities?
At UCAS we want to use the knowledge we’ve learned from over 30 years of supporting students, helping you promote your apprenticeship opportunities effectively.
Who are apprenticeships for?
Apprenticeships are a great route to get into your chosen career, and they're open to everyone over the age of 16.
Why I love my apprenticeship at IBM
Meet Grace, a data science degree apprentice who joined IBM when she was 18.
Widening access and participation
How we support widening access and participation through our products and services.
Writing undergraduate references for independent applicants
If you have been asked to write a reference for an independent applicant who is not currently attending school or college, please read through the advice below before starting.
Writing your personal statement
Here you'll find everything you need to know about writing your personal statement.
Writing your personal statement: Students with individual needs
Universities and colleges welcome students from diverse backgrounds and with a range of unique strengths and qualities. Here, we offer guidance on how to showcase the valuable and transferable skills drawn from your personal experiences and circumstances.
Your guide to the UCAS Hub
Discover what the Hub has to offer for students exploring their next steps
Career goals: Doctor
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