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What is distance learning?

Distance learning allows you to pursue a degree, by studying in your own time, rather than on campus. Learn more about this alternative, including who offers it, and whether employers recognise it.

What is the journey to a million?

UCAS projects that by the end of the decade, we could see up to a million students apply for higher education (HE) across the full range of Level 4 and above opportunities. In collaboration with Unite Students and Knight Frank, we examine those projections in more detail below.

Who are apprenticeships for?

Apprenticeships are a great route to get into your chosen career, and they're open to everyone over the age of 16.

Writing your personal statement: Students with individual needs

Universities and colleges welcome students from diverse backgrounds and with a range of unique strengths and qualities. Here, we offer guidance on how to showcase the valuable and transferable skills drawn from your personal experiences and circumstances.

Career goals: Doctor

Long hours, intense studying, and the small case of confronting illness and death each day. No wonder medicine has a competitive and demanding reputation.