Manufacturing engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Assemble answers that are personal, relevant, and reflective if you want to produce the perfect manufacturing engineering personal statement.
Information and advice pages
Manufacturing engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Assemble answers that are personal, relevant, and reflective if you want to produce the perfect manufacturing engineering personal statement.
Materials science and engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Materials scientists and engineers are innovators and thinkers, so show admissions tutors you’ve got the right aptitude and passion to explore this subject at degree level.
Mathematics and statistics 2026 personal statement guide
Regardless of the subset of maths you love, demonstrating your motivation and enthusiasm for the subject is key to an impressive maths and statistics personal statement.
Mechanical engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Engineer a personal statement that’s well designed, suits its purpose, and tells admissions tutors something about you as a prospective mechanical engineering student.
Postgraduate subject areas
Here, we provide in-depth information about the range of subject areas you can study at postgraduate level.
Postgraduate teacher training in England
Find out more about university and school-led postgraduate initial teacher training programmes in England, such as PGCE, School Direct, and SCITT.
Qualification reform
Discover what's happening with qualifications around the UK and what reforms are ongoing.
Radiography and medical technology 2026 personal statement guide
Scan your own thoughts to get a clear picture of why you want to study radiography and medical technology, and why this subject is a good fit for you.
Routes into teaching in England
Which teacher training route is right for you? Use our filter to narrow your search and explore your options.
Software engineering 2026 personal statement guide
Develop a personal statement that’s clear, succinct, and communicates why you’re passionate about studying software engineering.
Studying in Welsh
Studying higher education in Welsh can offer lots of career options – not just in Wales but further afield too. Find out more.
The complete guide to sponsored degrees
Would your students prefer a degree that combines study and paid work experience? If so a sponsored degree may appeal to them. Our guide explains all...
UCAS Postgraduate entry requirements
Find out what the subject-specific entry requirements for postgraduate university courses are, and what universities are looking for.
Veterinary science 2026 personal statement guide
The competition is tough for aspiring vets – so along with good grades, you'll need an impressive personal statement that sets you apart from the crowd.