Contextual admissions

Some students face additional challenges during their education which may impact their results. Universities recognise these challenges, and can make adjustments through ‘contextual admissions’. Find out more about what this is, who is eligible, and how you qualify.

Other funding for full-time students

Depending on what and where you choose to study, you may be eligible for additional sources of funding. Content provided by Student Finance England.

HE provider good practice briefing for students from UK Armed Forces Families (Service children)

This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges and supports the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify students from UK Armed Forces families, from 2023 entry. We have worked with the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance and the Ministry of Defence to outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.

Supporting children from UK Armed Forces families (Service children)

If a student's parent(s) or carer(s) is serving as a Regular or Reservist in the UK Armed Forces, or has done so in the past, their experience of going to university may be different to their non-Service peers. We have worked with the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance to explain how you can practically support Service children along their journey to higher education.


Podiatrists help people live more comfortably by providing treatment and care for foot and leg problems.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

UCAS is committed to operating ethically, demonstrating integrity and acting responsibly to its customers and wider stakeholders.

HE provider good practice briefing for refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain

This briefing is for staff working in universities and colleges, supporting the introduction of the new UCAS flag to identify applicants who are refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK. We have worked with STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to outline the common challenges for these students, share good practice around the UK to improve access to and success in higher education, and provide considerations ahead of the new question.

How to become a police officer

Dealing with criminals on a daily basis, unsociable hours, and dangerous scenarios – becoming a police officer is genuinely challenging, but that’s also what can make it so rewarding.

Navigating school or college

Studying for exams, making choices about what to do next, and managing friendships and relationships means there’s a lot going on whilst you’re at school or college. It’s a transitional time in life – but you’re not alone. Use these resources to help you navigate your teenage career.