Supporting disabled students (including those with long-term illnesses and learning differences)

Students with physical or mental health conditions or learning disabilities and differences will find a variety of support available in higher education. However, advance research and preparation can make all the difference - we've worked with experts, such as the National Association of Disability Practitioners (NADP) to outline some of the ways in which you can help your students make a successful transition.

Tips to study online or remotely

If you’re studying at home, try these tips and hacks to stay focused and productive, as well as maintain a healthy work-life balance.

10 money tips for starting uni or college

With the cost of everything from a flat white to fruit and veg at an all-time high, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But there are things you can do to feel more in control of the situation. Here are 10 practical steps that can help.

2019 End of Cycle Report

The UCAS End of Cycle Report 2019 is the first national overview of demand for, and acceptances to, undergraduate UK higher education (HE) for the 2019 admissions cycle.

Accommodation for apprentices

If you decide to do an apprenticeship, accommodation is something to consider if you’re going to live away from home. It’s important you make the right decision for you and your circumstances, so you feel comfortable and happy after coming home from work. We’ve outlined what you need to know to make an informed decision for you.

Additional funding

As well as a student loan, there’s other financial support available from a range of sources. Find out more about funding your undergraduate course.

Admissions tests

Some universities require you to sit an admissions test as part of the application process – discover the different types of assessment here.

Adult nurse

Adult nurses are expert members of a medical team. They plan and deliver vital treatment for a wide range of patients with different needs and conditions.

Applying for an engineering apprenticeship

Are you eager to take on a career in engineering? Engineering apprenticeships offer students at all levels the opportunity to acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience while on the path towards becoming a qualified engineer. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of applying for an engineering apprenticeship, including invaluable advice from employers on what they seek in an apprentice.

Applying to study in the UK from Europe

Discover how to apply to study in the UK as an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen. Make sure you've got your documents ready and are prepared to act quickly to avoid any delays.

Apprenticeships Podcast Series

Following the success of our Clearing Choices Podcast series, our Apprenticeships Podcast Series gives you the chance to promote your brand to our database of around 700,000 students searching for their future path.

BTEC diplomas

Facts about BTEC diplomas: who they are for, the different types, how they are taught, what you need to get on one, and what you can do afterwards.