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Widening participation webform

We encourage colleagues in outreach teams to sign up here to receive communications relating to outreach and widening participation.

Cambridge Technicals

Facts about Cambridge Technicals: who they are for and what subjects are available.

Foundation apprenticeships

Foundation apprenticeships are available if you’re in your 5th or 6th year at secondary school in Scotland.

Computer Science

Are you a world-changer? Whether it’s finance, health, the creative industries or sport, the study of computer science helps build the technology that fuels big leaps forward.

How to become a pilot

Being a pilot is a fantastic job for people who enjoy responsibility, technology, meeting people and the excitement of flying a commercial aircraft.

Patricka, UK Armed Forces Service leaver

Patricka Brice-Laughton has completed a HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) at Wiltshire College & University Centre and is currently in her first year at University of the West of England doing a BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management.

Prosthetist and orthotist

Prosthetists and orthotists use the latest technology to transform the lives of patients who need prosthetics or aids. They empower people to move, run, walk or simply stand independently.

BTEC diplomas

Facts about BTEC diplomas: who they are for, the different types, how they are taught, what you need to get on one, and what you can do afterwards.