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Early careers multichannel campaigns

Reach the right candidates and their influencers on the right channels. 1.3 million students come to UCAS each year to explore their next steps – we're ahead of Google when it comes to students seeking information about higher education.

Find career ideas

Find career ideas by exploring different jobs, taking our career quiz, or looking at volunteering, apprenticeships, or starting your own business.

Technology careers

We need technical wizards! Help us future-proof the path to higher education

The UCAS Careers Quiz – personalised career matches

Using the power of real-world data, personality profiling and labour market information our new Careers Quiz matches your students to their best suited career options. And most importantly, we tell them which higher education courses others have studied to get them there.

Applying for a business apprenticeship

Do you want to build business knowledge while gaining hands-on experience? Whether you're looking at a career in business administration, operations, or marketing, apprenticeships are the perfect way to get your foot in the door with some of the biggest players in the market today. Here, we walk you through applying for a business apprenticeship, with top tips from employers about what they look for in an apprentice.

Applying for a digital and IT apprenticeship

Looking to start a career in the digital and IT sector? There's no better way to immerse yourself in the tech world than an apprenticeship, where you will get access to industry-standard tools, equipment and work on live projects on a daily basis. Take a look through our digital and IT apprenticeship application guide below, and find out the first steps of your journey into a future in the tech space.