Changing or leaving your course

If you decide you no longer want to study, or you’d like to transfer to a new university or course, there’s a lot to consider.

Choosing where to study or train

After GCSEs/National 5s, you could stay in school, go to a sixth form college, go to a further education (FE) college, or join a work-based training provider.

Comparing undergraduate courses and unis

With so many courses, and many similar ones available, it's important that you find out more about the course and the university or college before you start to shortlist your options.

Disabled students: Financial support

Having a disability or mental health condition might mean incurring additional costs (e.g. access to specialist equipment) when accessing higher education. But don’t worry, there is financial support available.

Gap years

Gap years can be used to enhance your CV, travel, learn new skills, and much more. Find out more and get some inspiration here.

How much rent should a student pay?

Before you go to uni, you’ll probably have lots of questions about paying for your accommodation. Here’s an idea of rent, other costs, funding, and how to pay.

How to become a personal trainer

A career as a personal trainer (PT) is all about helping people live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re passionate about fitness and health, being a personal trainer could a rewarding career for you.

How to become a police officer

Dealing with criminals on a daily basis, unsociable hours, and dangerous scenarios – becoming a police officer is genuinely challenging, but that’s also what can make it so rewarding.

How to identify your transferable skills

If you’re applying for a job but don’t have any, or much, professional experience, it can be tricky to know what to include on your CV. But any life experience you have will be valuable when applying for a job or apprenticeship – it’s how you talk about that experience that matters.