Filling in your UCAS Undergraduate application

Don’t leave applying until the last minute as there’s quite a bit to do – but you don’t need to complete the application all at once. Read our advice below to help you through the application process, step by step.

How past students can inspire current students

One of your top resources as a teacher offering higher education (HE) guidance is your student alumni, now at university. So how do you keep in touch with past students and make the most of their experiences?

Provider opt in for pre-approved unpicks C&C 2024

Following the success of our pre-approved reply swap process, we’re launching a new pilot trial for providers to opt in to pre-approving unpicking confirmation decisions that have been made in error during the period of Confirmation and Clearing. Please complete the web form below to indicate if you intend to sign up, or not.

Widening participation webform

We encourage colleagues in outreach teams to sign up here to receive communications relating to outreach and widening participation.

Yipiyap - redefining the gap year

Considering a gap year? Unis and employers love the maturity, motivation, and higher final grades of gap year students. Our friends at Yipiyap have experienced over a decade of well-planned years out transforming careers. Sponsored content.