Unexpected grades
If you received grades this year and they aren’t what you had hoped for, don’t worry – there are plenty of options available to you.
Information and advice pages
Unexpected grades
If you received grades this year and they aren’t what you had hoped for, don’t worry – there are plenty of options available to you.
University life in the UK
Your life as a university student in the UK will be a unique experience. You might encounter new ways of living, studying, and socialising that are different from the way students do it in your home country. This guide will help you succeed as a student, whether it’s understanding the different types of university in the UK, adopting good academic habits, or making friends.
What does it mean to be one of the Million? The student perspective
Melody Stephen, Law with International Studies student at the University of Manchester
What does the Journey to a Million mean for Careers Information, Advice and Guidance to students about their choices?
Oli De Botton, Chief Executive, The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for funding of future provision?
Rt Hon. Lord Willetts FRS, President of the Resolution Foundation and Former Minister for Universities and Science.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for lifelong learning?
Nichola Hay MBE, Chair of the Board, Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for medical school expansion?
Dr Katie Petty-Saphon, Chief Executive, Medical Schools Council (MSC)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for students, universities, and the wider HE sector in Scotland?
Professor Sir Gerry McCormac FRSE, FSA, FRSA, FHEA, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Stirling
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student progression and the choices they have in Northern Ireland?
Heather Cousins, Deputy Secretary, Skills and Education Group in the Department for the Economy examines what increased competition means for student progression in Northern Ireland.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student progression and the choices they have in England?
Rt. Hon Robert Halfon, Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education, examines what increased competition means for student progression in England.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression?
Ben Jordan, Head of Policy at UCAS examines what the Journey to a Million means for supporting disadvantaged students in their progression.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for teaching provision and university facilities?
Chris Hale, writing in his former role as Director of Policy, Universities UK (UUK).
What does the Journey to a Million mean for technical education?
Ginny Page, Director of Education Programmes, Gatsby Foundation
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the assessment of qualifications and qualification outcomes?
Dr Jo Saxton, Chief regulator, Office for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the global market?
Carys Willgoss, Principal Policy Adviser, UCAS
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the overall student experience?
Professor Edward Peck CBE, Vice-Chancellor Nottingham Trent University and Department for Education Higher Education Student Support Champion
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the supply of apprenticeship opportunities?
Andy Forbes, Head of Development at the Lifelong Education Commission and Apprenticeship Champion for UCAS