Contact Us

There's several ways to get in touch with UCAS as a business – see below to find the best way to contact the right person, depending on your enquiry.

Contacts for UCAS providers

Following a review of the structure of our customer-facing teams, we have created a new model for engaging with providers, which focuses on customer success.

Contextual admissions

Some students face additional challenges during their education which may impact their results. Universities recognise these challenges, and can make adjustments through ‘contextual admissions’. Find out more about what this is, who is eligible, and how you qualify.


Here you’ll find about what cookies are, and why we use them on our website.

Corporate governance

We are governed by our Board of Trustees, Committees, and UCAS Council, details of which can be found through these links.

Course review

Find out the feasibility of your existing courses with unrivalled data and powerful insight

Courses Data Service

Comprehensive course listings for undergraduate and postgraduate course providers, to complement your student offering.

Create Your Future Exhibitor Zone

The Exhibitor Zone contains everything you need when exhibiting at Create Your Future events - including handy guides, event-specific information pages, marketing assets and more.

Creating my new account with UCAS

If you have registered a UCAS account but do not yet have any permissions to access UCAS services or are having difficulty with your account, you can contact our customer services team who will be able to help.

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