What does the Journey to a Million mean for medical school expansion?
Dr Katie Petty-Saphon, Chief Executive, Medical Schools Council (MSC)
Information and advice pages
What does the Journey to a Million mean for medical school expansion?
Dr Katie Petty-Saphon, Chief Executive, Medical Schools Council (MSC)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for students, universities, and the wider HE sector in Scotland?
Professor Sir Gerry McCormac FRSE, FSA, FRSA, FHEA, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Stirling
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student accommodation?
Neil Armstrong and Merelina Sykes, Joint Heads of Student Property at Knight Frank and Richard Smith, CEO at Unite Students
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student progression and the choices they have in Northern Ireland?
Heather Cousins, Deputy Secretary, Skills and Education Group in the Department for the Economy examines what increased competition means for student progression in Northern Ireland.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student progression and the choices they have in Wales?
Jeremy Miles MS, Welsh Minister for Education and Welsh Language examines what increased competition means for student progression in Wales.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for student progression and the choices they have in England?
Rt. Hon Robert Halfon, Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education, examines what increased competition means for student progression in England.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for teaching provision and university facilities?
Chris Hale, writing in his former role as Director of Policy, Universities UK (UUK).
What does the Journey to a Million mean for technical education?
Ginny Page, Director of Education Programmes, Gatsby Foundation
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the global market?
Carys Willgoss, Principal Policy Adviser, UCAS
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the international student experience?
Anne Marie Graham, Chief Executive, UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the nature of competition in higher education?
Nicola Dandridge, Professor of Higher Education Policy, University of Bristol.
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the supply of apprenticeship opportunities?
Andy Forbes, Head of Development at the Lifelong Education Commission and Apprenticeship Champion for UCAS
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the University of Manchester?
Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor and Professor April McMahon, Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students, University of Manchester
What is distance learning?
Distance learning allows you to pursue a degree, by studying in your own time, rather than on campus. Learn more about this alternative, including who offers it, and whether employers recognise it.
What is UCAS?
UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is an independent charity and the UK's shared admissions service for higher education.
What next after sixth form?
These editable presentation slides help you explore different higher education (HE) routes your students could follow after sixth form – for assemblies or tutor time.
What to do if your student finance isn’t enough
Student finance not enough to cover your university costs, like accommodation or books? Here are some options which could help.
What to expect from a DSA assessment
Once your application is approved, you'll receive an email your funding body confirming your eligibility for the DSA.
What will an increase in demand mean for smaller and specialist higher education institutions?
Anthony McClaran, Vice-Chancellor St Mary’s University Twickenham and Chair of GuildHE