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Code of Practice for Statistics

UCAS takes pride in the quality, trustworthiness, and value of the analysis and statistics it publishes about higher education (HE). Adherence on a voluntary basis to the Code of Practice for Statistics allows us to evidence and demonstrate these aspects of our work.

Comparing undergraduate courses and unis

With so many courses, and many similar ones available, it's important that you find out more about the course and the university or college before you start to shortlist your options.

Computer Science

Are you a world-changer? Whether it’s finance, health, the creative industries or sport, the study of computer science helps build the technology that fuels big leaps forward.

Contact Us

There's several ways to get in touch with UCAS as a business – see below to find the best way to contact the right person, depending on your enquiry.

Courses Data Service

Comprehensive course listings for undergraduate and postgraduate course providers, to complement your student offering.

Creating my new account with UCAS

If you have registered a UCAS account but do not yet have any permissions to access UCAS services or are having difficulty with your account, you can contact our customer services team who will be able to help.

Dates and deadlines for uni applications

Some courses have different deadlines, and many are a long time in advance of the start of the course. Find out which deadline applies to you, and what you need to do by that deadline.