What to study

Find out what each type of postgraduate qualification involves, what the entry requirements are, how much it might cost, and where to find out more.

Why are we obsessed with the Journey to a Million applicants?

Clare Marchant, Chief Executive of UCAS, introduces our collection of essays, created in collaboration with Unite Students and Knight Frank, highlighting the challenges and opportunities the Journey to a Million higher education applicants poses both to the education sector and UK PLC.

Why I always knew I wanted to do an apprenticeship

Rosie Brown is a chartered management degree apprentice at BT with a passion for sustainability, who has wanted to do an apprenticeship since she was in Year 9. Here, Rosie speaks to us about her journey, researching your options, and making friends.

Why should I choose the UK for postgraduate studies?

Over 45% of international students in the UK are here to complete a postgraduate degree, because it has some of the world’s top-ranking universities, leading the way in pioneering research and academic studies. This page explains the postgraduate options available, how to apply, and some of the benefits of studying in the UK.

Widening participation webform

We encourage colleagues in outreach teams to sign up here to receive communications relating to outreach and widening participation.

Work experience and volunteering

Work experience, placements, and volunteering are a great way to demonstrate your enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion for your chosen subject area in your personal statement.

Yipiyap - redefining the gap year

Considering a gap year? Unis and employers love the maturity, motivation, and higher final grades of gap year students. Our friends at Yipiyap have experienced over a decade of well-planned years out transforming careers. Sponsored content.