Supporting children from UK Armed Forces families (Service children)

If a student's parent(s) or carer(s) is serving as a Regular or Reservist in the UK Armed Forces, or has done so in the past, their experience of going to university may be different to their non-Service peers. We have worked with the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance to explain how you can practically support Service children along their journey to higher education.

Supporting refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK

It can be very difficult to understand how to support refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain in the UK, especially if their immigration status is insecure or due to change. We have worked with expert organisations, including STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to help clarify what you can do to help and support young students' aspirations for higher education.

Supporting students experiencing estrangement from their parents

Young people who are considering higher education but do not have support from either of their parents due to a breakdown in their relationship (also known as being ‘estranged’) may encounter challenges in their journey. Here we outline the ways in which you can help students in at each stage and explain what support they may be able to access.

Supporting students with parenting responsibilities

Balancing studying with family life can present challenges, so student parents will find it useful to know what support they can access to manage their priorities. Here, we offer some practical tips to help them along their journey to higher education.

Supporting UK Armed Forces veterans and service leavers

Students who have served in the UK Armed Forces as a Regular or Reservist may find there are unique challenges involved in applying to higher education. We have worked with the Ministry of Defence and experts at the University of South Wales to offer practical ways to help them explore their options and prepare for their next step.

Suspending or withdrawing from your full-time studies

If you decide to suspend or withdraw from your full-time studies, you need to contact Student Finance England and let your university or college know as soon as possible. Content provided by Student Finance England.

T Levels

Facts about T Levels: what's involved in studying them, how they are assessed, and how long they take to complete.

The results process

What happens, when, and what your students need to do to avoid delays to their application.

Therapeutic radiographer

Therapeutic radiographers play a crucial part in fighting cancer and supporting patients on their road to recovery.

Top apprenticeship myths: busted

Confused about apprenticeships? Not sure how to sort the fact from fiction? Here, we’ve put together some of the top myths about apprenticeships, along with the real facts.

Transitioning to the UK as an international student

While studying overseas is a unique and exciting experience, it’s also normal to feel anxious about living in a new culture and organising a lot of different things. This guide runs through everything you need to know about adjusting to life as a student in the UK, so you can focus on enjoying the amazing experience that lies ahead.

Tuition Fee Loans for full-time students

If you're studying an undergraduate course, you could get a Tuition Fee Loan. A Tuition Fee Loan covers the cost of the fees charged by your university or college. Content provided by Student Finance England.