Sending exam results

We receive many results from the exam boards that grade your exams – these are listed below. If yours isn't there, you need to send results to your unis, colleges, or conservatoires.

Speech and language therapist

Speech and language therapists play a crucial role in enabling people to communicate – enhancing people's lives and transforming their relationships.


Find out more about the UCAS collaboration with Springpod and how their Subject Spotlights and Virtual Work Experiences can help students explore their options

Student recruitment and marketing

With UCAS you can reach the right students, at the right time. By working together, we help you connect with the applicants you're looking for.

Studying at a higher education college

Higher education (HE) courses don’t have to be studied at a university – there are more than 240 colleges in the UK that offer a range of higher education courses.

Studying in Welsh

Studying higher education in Welsh can offer lots of career options – not just in Wales but further afield too. Find out more.

Studying outside of the UK: Consider your options

Studying in another country offers a different way of learning – giving you exciting new cultural experiences and opportunities to develop and grow. Is it right for you? Consider your options and find out.