Applying for a legal apprenticeship

Do you want to start a legal career among experienced professionals? Legal apprenticeships, including the 6-year solicitor apprenticeship, are the perfect way to gain practical skills and real-world context on the route to becoming a qualified solicitor. In this guide, we walk you through applying for one type of legal apprenticeship, the solicitor apprenticeship - which includes a Law Degree and all the professional examinations you need to qualify - with top tips from employers about what they look for in an apprentice.

Applying for an engineering apprenticeship

Are you eager to take on a career in engineering? Engineering apprenticeships offer students at all levels the opportunity to acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience while on the path towards becoming a qualified engineer. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of applying for an engineering apprenticeship, including invaluable advice from employers on what they seek in an apprentice.

Applying to study in the UK from Europe

Discover how to apply to study in the UK as an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen. Make sure you've got your documents ready and are prepared to act quickly to avoid any delays.

Applying to university as an international student

Discover any information you might need to succeed in applying to UK institutions as an international student. Find advice on visas, English language skills, why you should study in the UK and what your qualifications will mean.

Apprenticeship Application Guides

Take a look at our tailored guides and get access to top tips from employers and existing apprentices to guide you through the application process.

Apprenticeship FAQs

Wondering where to start with apprenticeships? We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about applying for vacancies, how they work, salary and benefits, and degree apprenticeships.

Apprenticeship glossary

An apprenticeship is a way to achieve a recognised qualification while gaining industry experience. It involves working and studying at the same time.

Apprenticeship recruitment processes

If you’re applying for an apprenticeship, you need to demonstrate to employers that you have the passion and skills to take the programme and fit in with their company.


Interested in an apprenticeship? Find out everything you need to know.