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A levels

Facts about A levels: recent changes, subjects and grades, who they are for and what you can do afterwards.

Additional funding

As well as a student loan, there’s other financial support available from a range of sources. Find out more about funding your undergraduate course.

Adult nurse

Adult nurses are expert members of a medical team. They plan and deliver vital treatment for a wide range of patients with different needs and conditions.

Amy, Level 6 design engineering technical apprentice

Amy Lauder is in her third year of a four-year Level 6 graduate apprenticeship with aerospace company Leonardo. She will qualify with a BEng (Hons) in Engineering: Design and Manufacture from the University of Strathclyde.

Appeal to specific markets

Whether you’re looking to connect with under-represented groups, specialist subject prospects, international students or postgraduates – we can help you understand and reach new customers across the full conversion funnel. From smart audience insights to targeted multichannel campaigns, we support universities and colleges to connect with eager students in new and novel ways.

Application rates data explorer

This tool is a way to interactively explore some of the data published in the 2017 UCAS January deadline applicant analysis report.

Applying for a business apprenticeship

Do you want to build business knowledge while gaining hands-on experience? Whether you're looking at a career in business administration, operations, or marketing, apprenticeships are the perfect way to get your foot in the door with some of the biggest players in the market today. Here, we walk you through applying for a business apprenticeship, with top tips from employers about what they look for in an apprentice.

Applying for an engineering apprenticeship

Are you eager to take on a career in engineering? Engineering apprenticeships offer students at all levels the opportunity to acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience while on the path towards becoming a qualified engineer. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of applying for an engineering apprenticeship, including invaluable advice from employers on what they seek in an apprentice.

Apprenticeship FAQs

Wondering where to start with apprenticeships? We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about applying for vacancies, how they work, salary and benefits, and degree apprenticeships.