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Can I change my mind?

Reflected on your choices and decided that you would like to change your mind? Not a problem. Follow our tips on how to navigate changing your mind.

A levels

Facts about A levels: recent changes, subjects and grades, who they are for and what you can do afterwards.

Alternatives to higher education

If you're undecided about uni or your plans have changed, there are other options after secondary education, such as apprenticeships, gap years, overseas study, and more. This page explains university alternatives.

Computer Science

Are you a world-changer? Whether it’s finance, health, the creative industries or sport, the study of computer science helps build the technology that fuels big leaps forward.


These two stalwarts of the student experience have had very different years. The food industry has been revolutionised by traditional players pivoting to delivery and takeaway services to keep up with change, whilst travel hasn’t had the same luxury of opportunity. But as the shackles loosen for both, what can we expect to see from students in 2021?

Going through Clearing?

If you’re going through Clearing after getting your exam results, it’s really important to let Student Finance England know if your course, university, or college have changed, as it could affect how much student finance you can get. Content provided by Student Finance England.


Here it is. The full-monty, no holds-barred, five-chapter rollout of the UCAS Student Lifestyle Report 2021. The insight within spans the most monumental year of most students’ lives, and covers Brand, Spend, Technology, Gaming, Social Media, Entertainment, Food, and Travel. If you’re looking to understand what makes students tick, and how COVID has changed their decision making and behaviours, then pause, grab a coffee, and settle in.

Personal statements for 2026 entry onwards

For students applying to university for 2026 entry, the personal statement format will be changing. Here, we'll cover what exactly is changing, why the changes are happening, and how you can support students.

Postgraduate study

Postgraduate courses can help you progress or change your career. Find out what the options are and how to apply.

Preparing for results day and Clearing

We know you’ll have lots of questions about results day and Clearing. Like what are your options on results day? What happens if you change your mind about your choices? Find out tips from the experts and hear from those who have been there and done it below.

Supporting refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain in the UK

It can be very difficult to understand how to support refugees, asylum seekers, and students with limited leave to remain in the UK, especially if their immigration status is insecure or due to change. We have worked with expert organisations, including STAR Network, Refugee Education UK and We Belong to help clarify what you can do to help and support young students' aspirations for higher education.


Well if there has ever been a year where we’ve been more reliant on technology, we can’t name it. And for students, the effect has been even more pronounced, with remote learning becoming their new normal, at least for now. Habits, behaviours, and purchasing patterns have all changed, and in our Technology & Gaming chapter, we’ll unpick it for you.

UCAS Streetview

We’ve been out and about asking students how they’re feeling about the big day and grilling those who’ve been there for their top advice. Our experts explain how Clearing really works, what to do if you change your mind and how to prepare for uni life.