How to become a social worker
Social workers offer support to those most in need, whether it’s a family under pressure or a person with a physical or learning disability trying to live independently.
Information and advice pages
How to become a social worker
Social workers offer support to those most in need, whether it’s a family under pressure or a person with a physical or learning disability trying to live independently.
Paid Social & Search Campaigns
We run targeted campaigns across a mix of paid media platforms from Google to TikTok, so you can be confident of better brand awareness, student engagement and ROI for your business.
Personal statement advice: social work
Writing a personal statement for social work? We asked social work admissions tutors how you can convince them that you are right for the course.
Social Media
It’s quite the predicament isn’t it? We’ve all relied on social media more this past year, but we’ve had less to post about than we ever have before. There’s only so many banana bread attempts your friends can stand to see. Our new behaviours, and new world trends, have all made this a strange year of ups and downs for social media, so let’s have a closer look.
Sponsored social media
Engage directly with future applicants and customers, exactly where they want to hear from you.
Supporting access and social mobility
We support national and regional goals around widening access and social mobility.
Fill your accommodation
From targeted paid social campaigns to integrated multichannel delivery we can support your annual campaign plans and help you get your living space noticed.
How to meet people at university or college
Wondering about the best way to meet people? From online groups on social media to part-time jobs, there are lots of ways to make friends at university or college.
Here it is. The full-monty, no holds-barred, five-chapter rollout of the UCAS Student Lifestyle Report 2021. The insight within spans the most monumental year of most students’ lives, and covers Brand, Spend, Technology, Gaming, Social Media, Entertainment, Food, and Travel. If you’re looking to understand what makes students tick, and how COVID has changed their decision making and behaviours, then pause, grab a coffee, and settle in.
Media Assets | Create Your Future
Discover and download a range of social media assets designed to help you promote your attendance at our Create Your Future events.
Students' unions
Students' unions put together social events, sports, and societies for a wide range of different hobbies and interests. Find out more here.
And here we go, the Lifestyle Report 2021 is here. Here’s a taste of things to come. There are five chapters to look forward to before the full report gets released: Brand & Spend, Technology & Gaming, Social Media, Entertainment, and Food & Travel. But before we get started, let’s have a little look at the state of affairs, and what’s been happening in the student psyche these past 12 months...
2017 End of Cycle Report
The UCAS End of Cycle Report 2017 is the first national overview of demand for, and acceptances to, UK higher education (HE) for the 2017 admissions cycle.
2018 End of Cycle Report
The UCAS End of Cycle Report 2018 is the first national overview of demand for, and acceptances to, undergraduate UK higher education (HE) for the 2018 admissions cycle.
A student's guide to Glasgow
You may be surprised at the deep and vocal love people have for Glasgow, but linger a while and you will soon understand it is a very 'dear green place'.
Accommodation for apprentices
If you decide to do an apprenticeship, accommodation is something to consider if you’re going to live away from home. It’s important you make the right decision for you and your circumstances, so you feel comfortable and happy after coming home from work. We’ve outlined what you need to know to make an informed decision for you.
Achieving energy sector goals through green apprenticeships
Recruiting future talent - can apprenticeship opportunities help achieve energy goals in the energy and utilities sector?