UCAS Undergraduate: getting started
Undergraduate degree courses offer many benefits. Find out about university courses and get started with help from UCAS.
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UCAS Undergraduate: getting started
Undergraduate degree courses offer many benefits. Find out about university courses and get started with help from UCAS.
2017 End of Cycle Report
The UCAS End of Cycle Report 2017 is the first national overview of demand for, and acceptances to, UK higher education (HE) for the 2017 admissions cycle.
What is UCAS?
UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is an independent charity and the UK's shared admissions service for higher education.
Find career ideas
Find career ideas by exploring different jobs, taking our career quiz, or looking at volunteering, apprenticeships, or starting your own business.
Writing your personal statement
Here you'll find everything you need to know about writing your personal statement.
Undergraduate tuition fees and student loans
How much are tuition fees and how are you going to pay for them? Find out how to fund your studies and how to apply here.
Applying for a Construction Apprenticeship
Do you want to start a career in construction among experienced professionals? Construction apprenticeships offer the perfect way to gain practical skills and real-world experience on the route to becoming a qualified tradesperson or construction manager. In this guide, we walk you through applying for a construction apprenticeship with tips from employers about what they look for in an apprentice.
What inspired you to teach? Let us know and you could win £100 of shopping vouchers!
10 money tips for starting uni or college
With the cost of everything from a flat white to fruit and veg at an all-time high, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But there are things you can do to feel more in control of the situation. Here are 10 practical steps that can help.
2015 End of Cycle Report videos
To accompany the 2015 End of Cycle Report a series of short videos are available. These videos, recorded by current and graduate members of the UCAS Data Scientist Internship Programme, focus on specific areas of the report and highlight the key findings.
2015 entry UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background, and ethnic group
These data cover applications, offers, and placed applicants by sex, area background, and ethnic group at 132 larger universities.
2016 cycle applicant figures – 30 June deadline
These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2016 UCAS cycle at the 30 June deadline.
2016 entry UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background, and ethnic group
These data cover applications, offers, and placed applicants by sex, area background, and ethnic group at 133 larger universities.
2016 January deadline analysis report videos
To accompany the 2016 January deadline analysis report 'UK application rates by the January deadline', a series of short videos are available. These videos, recorded by current and graduate members of the UCAS Data Scientist Internship Programme, focus on specific areas of the report and highlight the key findings.
2017 cycle applicant figures – June deadline
These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2017 UCAS cycle at the 30 June deadline.
2017 cycle applicant figures – March deadline
These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2017 UCAS cycle at the 24 March deadline. The 24 March deadline is applicable to some art and design courses.